Welcome to the National Prayer Mobilization team! Thank you for answering the call to relentlessly pursue our spiritual enemies until they are utterly destroyed through strategic and tactical spiritual warfare. We will challenge every systemic structure in place impeding the upward mobility of the poor and the needy in route to establishing the Kingdom here on Earth.

Thank you for daring to lead and taking the lead in your respective states. I invite you to go deeper in warfare and prayer, doing things that eyes have not seen nor ears heard as you yield to the prophetic instruction of God in prayer.

We believe the root of what is hindering the poor and the needy as a community is policy and legislation. We being the spiritual seed of Abraham, look for the same redemption God promised Abraham according to Genesis 15 (after 400 years the children of Israel would be released from captivity). Although it has been 400 years since the transatlantic slave trade, despite the abolition of slavery, oppressive systems still remain.


Impacting the lives of the poor and needy, and shifting and breaking the strongholds binding them in oppressive policy and legislation through tactical strategic prayer and in a way that is congruent with Scripture; resulting in ballot measures, changed policy, and changed legislation.


To transform, realign, and redefine society’s view of the poor and the churches responsibility to the poor and  needy by becoming allies with organizations who align with scripture and are fighting to protect the poor and the needy while utilizing our vocational acumen and spiritual authority to break strongholds of oppression; causing change in policy and legislation through education, training, prayer, and mobilization.


To mobilize prayer warriors around the nation to pray and dismantle structures and systems that are currently in place in the political, corporate (HR), educational, and criminal justice systems.


Blood bought believers who understand who they are in God their authority in prayer. (Those blood bought believers) who are willing to submit to training.


A person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially through prayer.


“Watchman” (Hebrew: noy tso-peh or tsa-phah) or “sentinel:” the noun is derived from the Hebrew verb meaning to “look out or about, spy, keep watch;” properly “to lean forward,” ie. “to peer into the distance:” by implication, “to observe, await: behold, espy, look up (well), wait for, (keep the) watch (man).”


Click the link below to join our Prayer Mobilization team. We look forward to hearing from you!